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Nederlands - AVIVA gym. method, AND MASSAGE

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Als niet,atrofiert het.

aviva diplomacska kicsiAVIVA intiem gym trainer

zweedse sport massage (1,5 uur)
hot stone massage
Chinese acupressuur massage

Neudl Erika
AVIVA methode pelvic recreatieve sporttrainer, instructeur,
and masseur

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06 492 11 355

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tolany nagy
incontinentie, depressie, zwangerschap, onvruchtbaarheid, prostaat, potentie, remming van de conceptie, menopause, menstruatie pijn, ball pijn, preventie...

jelkepgyakorlat gyonyoru szines

"Brabant (Berta, 2012.12.06 15:47)
Na een lange tijd met pcos heb ik besloten om aan de slag te gaan met Aviva, en de traditionele hormonbehandelingen die voorgesteld waren niet te nemen. Tijdens de cursus bij Erika hebben wij alles vanaf voeding tot beweging doorgenomen, zij heeft mij heel goed geholpen met adviezen, onder andere een dieet die helpt om pcos te voorkomen. Na een paar weken begon mijn lichaam heel positief op de oefeningen te reageren. Ineens begon mijn lichaam te functioneren zoals gewenst en alle pms simptomen waren weg. Ik vond het bijna ongelooflijk, maar wel waar!
1013225 10151827958617848 337002246 n
De oefeningen zijn makkelijk te volgen, Erika heeft alles goed uitgelegd en daarna ben ik zelf aan de slag gegaan met 4 keer per week de oefeningen te doen. Ik hoop dat na een paar maanden alles goed op orde komt, en ik kan iedereen aanraden om eerst Aviva een kans te geven, en niet mee te gaan met de standaard ziekenhuis procedures."

aviva csoportomAVIVA BE-NE-LUX group

picture111 (2)Erika Neudl

aviva festmenyenAviva Gabriella Steiner

Met de Aviva Methode

imag0341   aviva toth liivia neudl erika kicsi

stel je het lichaam in staat om de aanwezigheid van de hormonen oestrogeen/progesteron te optimaliseren en te handhaven op een natuurlijke wijze en op een gezond niveau.
aviva konyv
Om dit te bereiken zonder kunstmatige supplementen kunnen we deze methode gebruiken, die op elementen berust uit de yoga, dansbewegingen van natuur/volkstammen, Ayurvedische wijsheid en feiten beschreven in de westerse geneeskunde.Hoe werkt het?De snelle spierbewegingen stimuleren de bloedsomloop zodat deze meer hormonen, mineralen/elektrolyten, vitaminen, zuurstof en informatie zullen vervoeren naar de betreffende klieren/organen.
aviva kecsesen szepen

aviva triko



Omdat we het hormoonniveau optimaliseren volgens onze eigen biologische programmering.



ferfi csipotamasz
Bv: zorgt het aanspannen en bewegen van de interne en externe spieren een aanzienlijke verandering in de hormonale status van het lichaam. Het trainen van de spieren van de onderbuik, de bekkenbodem spieren bereiken dit positieve effect. Deze lichaamsbeweging verhoogt de bloedtoevoer naar het gebied, waardoor er veel vitaminen, hormonen en andere levensbelangrijke stoffen naar het doel gebied.

ferfi szoborDe voordelen van het beoefenen van deze methode die speciaal ontwikkeld is voor vrouwen zijn:

aviva piros figura het reguleren van de menstruatie cyclus (geen opvliegers meer, geen vaginale droogheid, frigiditeit, geen menstruatie tijdens vakantie….)

livia aviva egyenesen
brengt een einde aan PMS of symptomen van de menopauze
verhelpt blokkades van energie als gevolg van een vleesboom of cystes
opent verstopte eileiders
genereert de ovulatie
herstelt het bekken gevoel, na de bevalling
herstelt weggegleden of verzwakte baarmoeder en verkomt hierdoor incontinentie.

ferfi aviva 2
sfiu szeken
impotentie problem, hormoon problem, pijn aan de testis, rectale pijn, prostaat problemen...

1x4 uur

Erika Neudl

AVIVA methode sportinstructeur

Nederlendse - Amsterdam- Krommenie

baba135 AVIVA baby!!!

ferfi aviva

AVIVA method

1. International Patens OFFICE
2. National Council for Research and Development
3. UN WORLD HEALT Organization WHO Genf Svájc
4. Population Crisis Committee ( Washington, D.C. USA)

For every woman and girl

The essence of Aviva'method:

This method consist of a series of exercises that give woman, the power to control their monthly cycles. These exercises are derived from simlple gymnasticmovements, and can be practices by every healthy woman.
The goals of this method:
• A woman can adjust monthly menses to be on a desired date.
menses can be induced when delayed.
The exercises can helo in cases of amenorrhea.
menstrual cramps can be eliminated.
The exercises can regulate irregular cycles.

This method is an inprovement over other solutions to the above-mentioned problems because woman no longer nedd any external interventions, and can rely entirely on their own physical and internal powers.These exercises can complement pther existing contrareceptive methods.
AVIVA' method consist of the folloing exercirses
1. The simple method (18 exercises)
2. The short method (11 exercises)
3. The panic exercirse (2 exercirses)
4. The contracting exercise that can be performed anytime, anywhere
5. ovulation exercirses (15 exercirses)
6. Prenetál and postnatal exercirses
7. Execirses for menopausal woman (includes exercises for incontinence and other age-ralied problems
8. Men's execirses

FUnctions of the method

The method can be sucessfullyapplied in the folloing cases:
1. Adjusting menses according to one's Wishes.
2. Scheduling cycles to a specific day
3. reducing the lenght of menses
4. SfHortening the lenght of cycles.
5. Reducing pre-menstruál and menstrual pain.
6. Amenorhea
7. Incresing fertillity.
8. Alleviating symptoms of menopause.
9. Relaxionin depressiv and stressful situations.
10. Regulating excessive weiht gain,
11. Eliminating galactorrhea ( spontaneous lactating not associated withpregnancy or childbirth)
12. Starting a woman's monthly menstrual cycles even at the age of 20 34.
13. helping caertain male dysfunctions.

When this method be useful?
1. In case of an unplanned pregnancy, despite the use of contrareceptives.
2. If experiencing significant pain before, or during menses.
3. If the duration of menstruation exceeds 5 days.
4. If a person is overweight, but not as a result of overating.
5. In caceof infertility with no apparent medical reason.
6. When the woman sufferes from the symptoms of menopause.
7. If menses occurs only several time (1-3)ANNUALLY, AND A WOMAN IS CONCERNED ABAUT THIS
8. When the menses in inregular? for example bi-weekly or only every two months.
9. In case you have never had a regular period, altrought you are over the age of 13, 20 or even 30.
10. For certainly male dysfunctions.
11. if you want to decrease the symptoms of aging this method can help by stimulating hormone production and regulating hormone levels in the body.

These execirses improve reproductive health by increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs. With this increased circulation hormone and oxygen levels also heightened in the affected areals. Hormone production will return to age appropriate levels, wich will then be maintained, throught a feedbackmechanizm connected to the pituitary gland.

a gyonyoruseges berta most kismama

I'm Erika Neudl AVIVA method teacher, member of the BENELUX AVIVA Method group. (4 diplome: pedagogist, graphologie-psychologie,yournalist, AVIVA intim gym., METHOD sporttrainer.)
I'm living in Amsterdam- (and Budapest).
You can find in list of the AVIVA -method teacher.

AVIVA’S intim gimmastic METHOD
is a unique workout method, which influences the feminine hormonal system through its special exercises, which concentrate on the lower abdomen’s inner muscles. The exercises done on a regular basis stimulate the blood circulation and strengthen the internal feminine organs.
The Method provides a natural solution that involves no external intervention for problems with fertility, irregularities in the menstrual cycle, and menopausal symptoms. With the Method, women can reclaim control over their bodies and over their natural reproductive processes, without medical intervention, drugs, chemicals, or other artificial means.
The Method was developed by Aviva Gabriela Steiner in Israel. She found that certain exercises done on a regular basis had generated a recurring response in women’s body. She started to experiment with different movements and exercises and observed their effects.
Step by step she had developed the Method.
The Method was officially recognised by various health institutes in Israel and abroad, and is registered in the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland
Aviva’s Method contains the following exercises:
1. THE SIMPLE METHOD (18 exercises)
2. THE SHORT METHOD (11 exercises)
The Simple Method is the foundation stone of the whole of Aviva’s Method.
These two set of exercises are equivalent in their effectiveness: the only difference is their length. In case you do not have 30 minutes to practise the Simple Method, then the Short Method can be done in 15 minutes.
This set of exercises for women is suitable for:
Solving fertility problems
Helping balancing hormone levels
Strengthening ovulation
Helping in the case of recurring miscarriages
Helping unblock fallopian tubes
Helping with PCO (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
Helping menstrual cycle problems:
Regulating irregular menstrual cycle
Helping to achieve a 28-day menstrual cycle
Shortening the length of the periods from 5 or more days gradually to 3 days
Helping to overcome menstrual pain, cramps and PMS
Solving amenorrhea (absence of menstrual period)
Solving menopausal problems:
Hot flushes
Vaginal dryness
Prolapse (dropping down) of the uterus
Prolapse of the bladder
Hormonal balancing without medication
The Simple Method helps to enhance ovulation in 80-90% of the cases. However, in some instances additional specific exercises are needed to further promote ovulation.
These exercises help women during pregnancy to maintain their tissues elasticity, which is vital for a smooth labour.
Furthermore helps to improve the breathing capacity of the lungs, as more oxygen is needed during the pregnancy.
Many women of all ages suffer from the symptoms of urinary incontinence. It is never too late to start to practise these exercises and regain control over your bladder.

aviva festmenyen

Aviva’s Method has specifically elaborated Exercises for men. These exercises help healing prostate problems and erectile dysfunction (Impotence) and will increase sperm vitality as well.


Erika Neudl
075 77 14 315
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skype: Neurika

aviva terem1

ferfi foto aviva

noi torna 3Where?

1. Krommeniedijk (from Amsterdam 20 min.) Zaandstadt
2. Amsterdam Jawa Island Sumatrakade 153.
3. In Hungary
4. In Netherland (ewerywhere)
5. Canada

Aviva Steiner’s biography
Aviva Gabriella Steiner was born in 1930 in Budapest, Hungary. Her original name was Gabriella Fazekas. Her parents were followers of Béla Bicsérdi, and led a highly natural vegetarian lifestyle. They were among the leading sportsmen of Hungary, with Aviva’s mother winning several swimming championships. During her childhood Aviva often went with her father to the gymnasium, where he practiced gymnastics and acrobatics. Aviva actually began exercising before birth; her mother continued gymnastics and swimming while pregnant with her daughter. Later, in her early childhood years, Aviva personally took up gymnastics and ballet as well.
When Aviva was 5 years old, she became ill with a raging high fever of seemingly unknown origin. Doctors could not diagnose the disease, and there was no medication, drug, or remedy to treat it. However, Aviva managed to heal from this mysterious illness with simple gymnastic exercises. Her parents attributed healing power to gymnastics and swimming, which were, in fact effective, as shown in Aviva’s case.
During World War II Aviva’s young parents were killed in a concentration camp, but Aviva miraculously survived. In 1946 the barely 16-year-old Aviva was brought to Palestine with many other Jewish children orphaned during the war. In Israel, she studied at the Ben Semen boarding school. She was the student of Gertrud Kraus, the world famous dance teacher of the Israeli Opera House. Aviva continued her studies, and acquired an Education degree through the Kibbutz Seminars, from the University of Physical Education. Physical activity and sports played a central role in her life.
Aviva had several parts in performances as a dancer at the Opera House of Tel-Aviv. As a testimonial, her photo albums are full of photographs of her acts. Later, Aviva chose to dedicate her life to gymnastics and healing, leaving an acting and dancing career behind.
Aviva continued her studies following this new direction. She worked in Jerusalem as a PE (physical education) teacher, while in her free time she audited anatomy and physiotherapy classes at the Medical University. Apart from this, she also took up yoga. During the paralysis epidemic she worked at the Hadassah University Clinic as an assistant of Professor Adler. Aviva remembers these times as follows: “I worked at the Physiotherapy Clinic, and saw terrible cases, paralyzed children, and I discovered that even nearly completely paralyzed muscles can be made to move, when there is at least one fiber still alive, and through these movements an entire group of muscles can be affected. However, nothing can be done without the cooperation of the patient, without her willingness to heal, and it is also important to have an expert therapist.”
Aviva realized that her parents had been right in their conviction. Her own recovery, and that of the people she worked with at the Physiotherapy Clinic convinced her that movement and willpower can solve numerous problems, even an undesirable conception.
This later discovery was a coincidence. Aviva was teaching gymnastics to women, and tried to diversify her exercises. She wanted to create a warm-up routine that would not be too strenuous for her middle-aged and elderly students (women between the ages of 45 and 70). After the first trial with these warm-up exercises (which are now exercise no. 7 of the Simple Method), only the two most elderly ladies (aged 70) visited the next class. Aviva asked them about the other women, and they replied: “They have their periods”. Although Aviva was surprised, she did not yet draw the connection between this incidence and her warm-up exercises.
It took her some time to believe that what she had been searching for, for a long time, had finally appeared in her life. Similarly to other young women, she had been looking for a method of contraception for decades that would help avoid undesired pregnancies.
Aviva continued to teach these “warm-up” exercises, only to notice this phenomenon repeating itself over and over. Women would get their periods; even women who thought these had ended for good began to bleed again. Others, who had irregular or continuously late cycles, also began to bleed.
This was the moment, when Aviva said: STOP! Although she became somewhat alarmed, she decided to meticulously search for an explanation of these events. By chance, it happened that her own period was also late at this time. She consulted her doctor, and made an appointment at the clinic. She then began to think – dozens of women attending her classes get their periods, does she really need to see a doctor? She decided to do her own warm-up exercises actively, and just as it had worked for others, it worked for her as well: her period started in a couple of days. Nevertheless, she called her doctor, but the doctor assured her, that everything should be fine.
Following this incidence Aviva began to further develop her exercises, and observe their effects. She discovered that with certain movements blood circulation can be stimulated in specific areas, which in turn can solve numerous female reproductive problems. Aviva is most proud of the birth of all the beautiful and clever children whose mothers had previously been treated for infertility in vain, and who had finally conceived with the help of her exercises.
Source: Steiner, A. AVIVA’S METHOD S.O.S. For Women,

Erikaviva-Amsterdam-intimgym, Erikaviva-method, Erikaviva intimgymnastic, Erikaviva intimterületek tornája, Neudl Erika intimAVIVAtorna tréner, inkontinencia, erikaAVIVA-terhestorna, Erikaviva-AVIVA-férfi-torna, menstruáció, menstruációs görcsök, menses-problema, prostata-problema, mioma, fibroma, meddőség, incontinentia, fogamzásgátlás, menstruációs görcsök, depresszió, intimgym-Amsterdam, intimgym-sporttrener, infertility, potentia, potencia-gondok, hormonproblémák,hormone problems, erikaviva-trening, klimax,aviva-baby, menopausa, libido, impotentia

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